Little Tree offers quality Montessori education in a stimulating and carefully crafted environment for children ages 2 – 10 years of age. We are proud to have a program inspired by the Montessori pedagogy: a method of education named after Dr. Maria Montessori. The Montessori method is deeply ingrained with the belief that each human being is driven by human tendencies and when the child is allowed to develop, unimpeded, they would unlock their inner potential. Sparking in them the desire to contribute to humanity and society. The Montessori Method is a developmentally appropriate way of learning, where each child is followed by a specifically trained guide (teacher). The Guide(teachers) sets parameters in the classroom while the child selects their focus of learning based on their curiosity and interests. It is also the guide’s intention to foster within the child a sense of wonder and a desire to explore the materials in a way that fosters a lifelong love of learning. Overall, teachers provide an environment where children have the freedom to pursue learning and work to model kindness, conflict resolution, and, most importantly, respect.
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